Birthing From Within

Transform childbirth into a journey of growth and self-discovery.

What is Birthing From Within?

Birthing From Within is a comprehensive approach to childbirth preparation that turns childbirth into a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery. The method, originally created by Pam England, embraces the fundamental belief that birth is a natural process guided by the body and its instincts.

The Birthing From Within approach also acknowledges that the natural process of childbirth can’t always happen and aims to validate and affirm all birthing choices and circumstances. The goal is to help expecting parents embrace their bodies’ natural, extraordinary instincts for childbirth and not to focus merely on a specific “perfect” path or outcome.

Preparing to give birth from within is a process of self-discovery that involves becoming intimately acquainted with your body and mind. It’s all too common for parents to feel as though they have to carefully plan their birth and then feel disappointment, confusion, or even shame if the plan isn’t perfectly followed. 

Birthing From Within is designed to teach you helpful techniques and encourage you to embrace your unique and uncharted birthing journey for whatever it will be.

5 Birthing From Within Techniques

These Birthing From Within techniques can help you become more connected with your body, your mind, and the amazing process of birthing new life.

  1. Discover the Birthing Process

    Childbirth is unique in that it’s an incredible shared experience that millions of people have lived, and yet each person’s birthing journey is individual. Through taking online or in-person classes, reading books, or listening to the experiences of doulas and/or parents, you can learn helpful techniques to prepare for this process.

  2. Become Acquainted with Your Natural Instincts

    Birthing From Within means leaning into and embracing the physical, mental, and emotional process of bringing new life into the world. Some of this work involves active preparation and planning and some of it simply means getting in touch with your body’s natural abilities and instincts.

  3. Connect with Your Support Network

    Birthing From Within doesn’t mean birthing alone. Your support team may include a partner, teachers, family, friends, and/or doulas. Your community can help provide an environment of safety, acceptance, and affirmation as you prepare to give birth and throughout labor.

  4. Learn Self-Compassion

    One of the hurdles that too many pregnant folks experience is self-doubt and even feelings of shame, guilt, or disappointment if their pregnancy or birth doesn’t go as planned or expected. As with the HypnoBirthing Technique, a primary tenant of Birthing From Within is learning to let go of these expectations and practice self-acceptance and self-compassion.

  5. Embrace and Face the Unknown

    No matter how carefully you plan or prepare for childbirth, it’s unlikely to go exactly as you imagine. Giving birth is an extraordinary process, and your body’s natural instincts can guide you better than an overly strict set of plans, rules, or expectations. Prepare as well as you can, but embrace the unknown with the understanding that you and your body are strong, ready, and able. So much of giving birth comes down to the principle of surrender: surrender to the process and the sensations and trusting that the experience is unfolding exactly as it needs to unfold. 

The Birthing From Within Book

All of the Birthing From Within programs, classes, workshops, and resources available to expecting parents today are inspired by Pam England’s original Birthing From Within book. A home birth midwife and mother, Pam spent more than 8 years developing this holistic, innovative approach to childbirth preparation and education, drawing on her own experiences for inspiration.

Published in 1998, Birthing From Within: An Extra-ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation takes the reader on a journey, helping them explore their own feelings, expectations, fears, and concerns and preparing them emotionally and spiritually for childbirth. The book includes a variety of exercises and activities, such as journal writing, meditation, and painting.

Birthing From Within Online Classes

If you can’t find a mentor in your area, or you prefer to go the virtual route, there are a number of mentors that offer online programs and classes. The Birthing From Within website maintains a directory of certified mentors and educators who have received formal training in the Birthing From Within method, philosophy, and approach. These professional childbirth educators offer Birthing From Within online classes and programs to expecting parents.

There are also a variety of books, videos, interviews, podcasts, and other resources available if you’re not ready to sign up for a class or if you prefer to explore the ideas behind Birthing From Within independently.

Do you have questions about childbirth?

We’re here to help you feel prepared, empowered, and connected as you embark on this journey. Contact Wildwood Birth to speak to a Portland-based doula and get your questions answered.




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