9 Tips for Heartburn Help in Pregnancy
Heartburn in Pregnancy: 9 Tips to Find Relief
If you’re pregnant and feeling the burn, you are not alone. Heartburn is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters. We’ve put together a list of our top nine tips to help you find relief.
1. Eat small, frequent meals.
This will help keep your belly from getting too full, pushing food and stomach acid up into places it doesn’t belong. Eating frequently also gives those acids something to work on, so they aren’t tempted to travel into your esophagus.
2. Stay upright after eating.
Avoid lying down for a minimum of one hour after a meal. If your heartburn is frequent and severe, you may find it helps to eat dinner several hours before lying down to bed, especially if dinner is your biggest meal of the day.
3. Drink water.
Bubbly drinks make heartburn worse. Try sticking to water, which your body needs now more than ever!
4. Avoid trigger foods.
Take note of the foods that tend to trigger heartburn flares. Many people find spicy, acidic, and fried foods to be big aggrevators of heartburn. Find gentler foods to invite to your tummy that won’t feed the fire.
5. Keep small snacks handy
Just as an overly-full belly can bring on heartburn, so too can an overly empty one (we just can’t win!). Keep a few almonds or a banana by your bedside at night and take a bite when you (inevitably) wake up to go to the bathroom. This will give the acids in your stomach just enough to work on so they stay where they belong (not in your esophagus!).
6. Your left side is the best side.
Lying down on your right side creates an easier pathway for stomach acids to travel up into your esophagus. Stay on your left side to help your stomach acids stay in your belly.
7. Papaya enzymes.
Talk to your care provider about whether it’s safe to bring a natural digestive aid like papaya enzymes into the mix. Eating these chewable tablets after meals can help move digestion along and stop heartburn before it starts.
8. Take a walk.
Movement, like walking, after a meal can help get your digestive system working. A postprandial walk has other benefits, too! Aside from aiding in digestion, walking can help stabilize your blood sugar, improve your mood, lower blood pressure, and help prepare your body for labor.
9. Talk to your care provider.
If these natural remedies aren’t cutting it, you’re probably going to need some extra help. There are many over-the-counter medications out there for treating heartburn, but it’s important to find one that’s safe and approved for pregnancy. Talk to your midwife or doctor for guidance around choosing the medicine that’s best for you.