Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation for improved postpartum psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.

What Is Placenta Encapsulation?

The placenta is a complex internal organ that sustains your growing fetus through the exchange of vital nutrients and oxygen and by filtering waste by way of the umbilical cord while you’re pregnant. Placenta encapsulation is the process by which, after you give birth, your whole placenta is processed into pill form, and these capsules can be taken postpartum.

Placenta encapsulation is one of a variety of ways to consume the placenta postpartum, and it is by far the most common and most popular method chosen by new parents. In fact, among birthing people who eat their placenta, about 70%-80% choose to do so in the form of capsules.

Placenta Encapsulation Pros & Cons

While there are many reported placenta encapsulation benefits, there are also potential risks that are important to consider if you decide to commit to the process. The placenta is rich in vitamins and nutrients, including iron, which is often low postpartum due to bleeding during birth. Ingesting your placenta can help with postpartum healing in general and can regulate hormones, which significantly reduces postpartum mood disruptions. Many new parents also report an increase in milk production and higher energy levels. 

However, there can also be some potential risks associated with placenta encapsulation. Most of the reported negative side effects are a result of contamination of the organ. In some cases, the placenta can become contaminated during the birthing process. If this occurs, the placenta can become host to harmful bacteria that can harm you and potentially your child through breastfeeding. It's also important to remember that the placenta is like any other meat product in the sense that it must be properly stored. So, if you plan to preserve your placenta, it’s a good idea to buy a clean and sanitized cooler to store the organ as soon as possible.

Placenta Pills vs Placenta Smoothies

While placenta encapsulation is the most popular form of ingestion, there are of course many ways to go about the process, including preparing the placenta in a meal or beverage. Another common method is to drink the placenta in a smoothie. You may be asking what the potential benefits and differences are between placenta pills vs. placenta smoothies, and most of it comes down to personal preference. 

Pills tend to be more convenient and help to avoid the strong “irony” taste that comes with eating it raw. However, eating your placenta doesn’t necessarily mean you have to endure a horrible or strong taste, there are many placenta smoothie recipes that can almost entirely mask the taste and can be enjoyed like any other refreshing smoothie while still reaping the many benefits.

Placenta Encapsulation Services

While it is possible to prepare your placenta pills yourself, many parents opt to seek out a professional placenta encapsulation service. There are a number of high-quality encapsulation services available around the country that employ placenta encapsulation specialists to do the hard work for you. 

If you choose to go this route, be sure to choose a service that employs proper precautions and provides placenta-encapsulation training to its employees. A placenta encapsulation specialist should be trained not only in the process of placenta encapsulation but will also be able to look out for potential irregularities and bacteria that could be harmful to you or your baby.

Placenta Encapsulation Kits

If you prefer to prepare your placenta yourself, there are a number of DIY placenta encapsulation kits available. While you can opt to collect the supplies yourself, it can be a bit overwhelming (especially since you’ve just given birth) so, it’s often worthwhile to invest in a specific kit that will provide you with everything you need. While the process may seem confusing at first, it’s perfectly possible and relatively simple to do, particularly if you get help from a friend or partner.

While the DIY route is a perfectly good choice, it is important to be educated on placenta encapsulation risks so that you know how to do it safely and avoid potential infections upon ingestion.

How to Encapsulate Your Placenta

At this point, you might be wondering, how exactly do you encapsulate your placenta? Whether you opt to do it yourself or seek out a professional service, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can about the placenta encapsulation process. In most cases, the process should begin within the first day of giving birth and usually takes about two days. The placenta is first properly washed and steamed, which can be done over a stovetop, and is then placed in a proper food dehydrator for a specified time. Once the organ is fully dehydrated, it is ground into a fine powder and placed into capsules for you to take. 

Placenta Encapsulation Cost

Because there are so many ways to go about placenta encapsulation, costs will vary depending on the route you choose. If you decide to follow a DIY recipe, you’ll only really have to cover the costs of equipment, including a dehydrator, which can go for anywhere between $50 and several hundred dollars. Other equipment, such as gloves, capsules, and a pill encapsulator, are all surprisingly affordable. Costs for professional services also vary in price, but they usually start at around $150 and can go up to around $500.

Placenta Encapsulation in Portland

Your placenta legally belongs to you; therefore, you have the right to take it home with you from a hospital or birth center or keep it after a home birth. Many new parents decide to take the DIY route and encapsulate their placenta on their own. However, there are a variety of local encapsulation service providers in the Portland area and beyond where you can take your placenta to have it encapsulated professionally.

Here are just a few local PDX options to consider:

Working with a doula throughout the stages of your pregnancy, during childbirth, and postpartum can help ensure your wishes are met, and you have someone you trust advocating for your well-being and desires. Start discussing your plan to have your placenta encapsulated early on while you are still pregnant. Any doctors, midwives, doulas, and nurses you work with should be able to incorporate your desire to have your placenta encapsulated into your birth plan and guide you through the process.

Get Placenta Encapsulation Advice from a Professional Portland Doula

Are you hoping to get your placenta encapsulated, or do have any questions or concerns about what to expect? Here to listen, support, and advise you through this amazing process of birth and new parenthood. Contact us and speak with a Portland doula today!


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